
Sunday 31 October 2010

An interesting time so far

So what's happened? Well it started in February when Denis Strachan of the Bugg Centre in Blackpool offered me a position in the company, this was originally to have been working with another engineer but more on that later.

I tendered my resignation at ICT North West and was offered an increase in pay to stay there. I advised Denis of this and he increased the offer to entice me into joining the Bugg Centre.

And so at the start of March, I handed my notice into ICT and started with Denis on the 1st of April 2010 as the only engineer, I was told that the exisiting one had decided to go back to college to study but would still be working part time for us. The work came in, at one point I had 8 latops and 2 desktops on the bench at the same time and Denis complained that there was still equipment that needed to be looked at , but I carried on nonetheless.

Then came payday and at 16.50, I was informed that the company was unable to pay my full salary and was asked what I could make do with, I gave a figure and was given a cheque which cleared about 4 days later, I now realise that this cleared at the expense of the rent cheque.

Then 2 weeks later, Denis gave me another £50 and said he would see if there was any way he could pay me the balance by the end of the following week. At this point I realise there was no way he could make the money up and pay the next months wage and so I handed in my notice with immediate effect.

After a number of weeks and promises from Denis, I recieved 3 post dated cheques and the time came for me to present the first, this was stopped by Denis. In the meantime I secured a new position with a large retail organisation and to be nearer work and realtives, we decided to move to Runcorn. While organising all this one of Denis's cheques managed to clear but the third and final one was stopped leaving me £850 put of pocket, not as much as the next engineer who ended up being owed £2,600 but it still caused a problem. Especially as my new job required me to work a month in hand and I would not get paid for the weeks holiday I had booked in September.

Now, we are almost settled in Runcorn, Angie is looking for a new job, I will get my first full months wages at the end of October and we are slowly on track once more. Denis at The Bugg Centre still refuses to communicate and so the only way forward is for me to issue a County Court summons in the hope that I get somewhere.
I have started doing some studying to get some qualifications under me and to help in advancing me and getting me a better position should one become available.
That's enough rambling for now.

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